Nuestra Gente

Adriana Isaza Dawson

Because my family was one of the first arrivals, they really cast a wide net for other families that were arriving. What I witnessed growing up was the ability for my family to reach out and help these other families have safe landings

Pablo Rodríguez, MD

My greatest contribution is basically to change people's minds about Latinos. That to me is the most important role that I play and I serve in this community because there are not that many role models, visible role models in the community.

Delia Schmidt [Rodríguez-Masjoan]

In 1996, Delia became the first Latina to run for state senate in Coventry. In this interview, Delia talks about her first entry into Rhode Island's Latino community, and how important it is to have mentors.
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Acelia "Ada" Terrero

Ada Terrero made some of the best cakes her friends and neighbors ever had. So when she started selling her creations from her Provi­dence home, she immediately had orders for numerous parties and weddings. Little did she know that she was launching the first Latin-American bakery in Rhode Island.

Tony Affigne

Tony ran for office in 1982, when the Latino community was still in its infancy in terms of political involvement. As a candidate for Ward 3 City Council, he vowed to make change within the political arena, for all.
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