Latinos in Rhode Island

Hidden Stories of the 1930s and 1940s

El Club Panamericano

According to our records, El Club Panamericano at the International Institute of Rhode Island (IIR) held its first organized meeting in 1942. A 1950 Annual Report of the IIRI describes the group as follows:

  • The Pan-American Club is a co-ed group composed of people interested in Spanish [sic] and Pan-America. Its purpose is primarily educational. All ages and all types of background are represented. There are about 30 members with an average attendance of 20. They meet bi-monthly.

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Cecilia [Rodríguez] Saglio from
Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina to Providence, RI 1939
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Darío and Blanca Herrera from Buenos Aires to Providence, RI 1954
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Zanoni and Estela Ortega from Mérida, Yucatan, México to Providence, RI 1949

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