Contribute to Rhode Island Latino History | Tell Us Your Story | At a location near you!
Starting in 2024, we will be at Rhode Island College and later traveling around Providence hosting informal Community Pláticas led by our cohort of Emerging Latinx Oral History Fellows. For information on the next session sign up for our mailing or follow us on social media. To host a session, write to:
➜ If you are not able to attend any of these Pláticas, but have a story to tell or would like to share any photos or documents, click on the button below to fill out a form and use these questions as prompts:
➜ If you are not able to attend any of these Pláticas, but have a story to tell or would like to share any photos or documents, click on the button below to fill out a form and use these questions as prompts:
- For transplanted Rhode Islanders: What was your journey like to Rhode Island?
- If you had a seat at the table (you pick which table), what would be your message?
- If you had a chance to talk to your younger self, what would you say?
04/10/2024 10:00 AM04/10/2024 10:00 AM
Rhode Island College
These interviews were recorded by the Latinx Fellows from Rhode Island College. Three questions were posed to participants, and they selected on to respond to. Click on each below to listen.600 Mt. Pleasant Ave. Providence, RI 02918 10:30AMAvory BrookinsCynthia MunrayosCharlene and NelsonDavid MoralesJacki EstradaGwen VargasKimika RossMariadaluz FortesLidia Carolina PiñedaMwanza John BaptisteWendy GrossmanShakidah Ali
02/10/2024 10:00 AM02/10/2024 10:00 AM
LitArts RI
Nuestras Raíces is an oral history project that aims to bring the community together through storytelling and document collection. To participate, come to a community plática and share your story.400 Harris Ave. Providence, RI 02909 10:30AMAvory BrookinsCynthia MunrayosCharlene and NelsonDavid MoralesJacki EstradaGwen VargasKimika RossMariadaluz FortesLidia Carolina PiñedaMwanza John BaptisteWendy GrossmanShakidah Ali
01/06/2020 11:00 AM01/06/2020 11:00 AM
Pláticas y Café | Tell Us Your Story!
Nuestras Raíces is an oral history project that aims to bring the community together through storytelling and the collection of documents.209 Central St. Central Falls, RI 02863 11:00AM - 1:00PMContribute to Rhode Island Latino History
Tell Us Your Story | Every Wednesday | 11am - 1pm
Starting on January 6, 2020, we will be hosting weekly informal Pláticas y Café with Marta V. Martinez at La Galería @RILA.
For information: Marta V. Martínez
➜ Don't hesitate to contact Marta at if you are not able to attend any of these Pláticas y Café events, but have a story to tell or would like to share any photos or documents.
Go to this link to fill out a form and begin telling us your story. Marta will follow-up.