Our Mission
Nuestras Raíces is dedicated to preserving, celebrating, and sharing the stories and lived experiences of the Latino communities of Rhode Island. Through interviews, storytelling, and community collaboration, we aim to honor the diverse cultural heritage, resilience, and contributions of Latinos, ensuring that their voices shape Rhode Island's collective history and inspire future generations.
What We Do
Share Your Documents | Compartir sus Documentos

Pictured here is the process of oral history collections: The original interview recorded onto a mini-cassette, transcription on paper, photos scanned and preserved and all digitized and copied onto a CD for public use.
Se representa aquí el proceso de colecciones de historia oral: La entrevista original grabada en un cassette, la transcripción en papel, fotos escaneadas y digitalizadas conservados y todos y copiados en un CD para uso público.
Oprime aquí leer en español ➤
We are looking for old photos, documents or personal papers that may tell us a story about Latino life in Rhode Island. If you have anything to share, you can contact us and we will scan and upload them to our collections site. We will also copy the scanned files and put them on a flash drive for you to take home.
We are interested in family celebrations such as quinceañeras, weddings, pig roasts; cultural events such as festivals or parades; other documents such as menus, flyers, brochures, political posters/rack cards or ads of family businesses. And of course, any photos you feel below in the Latino archives.
We are interested in family celebrations such as quinceañeras, weddings, pig roasts; cultural events such as festivals or parades; other documents such as menus, flyers, brochures, political posters/rack cards or ads of family businesses. And of course, any photos you feel below in the Latino archives.
Buscamos fotos antiguas, documentos públicos o documentos personales que puedan contarnos una historia sobre la vida de los latinos en Rhode Island. Contáctenos y los escanearemos y luego los agregaremos a nuestro archivo y Colecciones de Historia Latina de Nuestras Raíces. También vamos a copiar los archivos digitalizados y ponerlos en una unidad flash para que usted pueda llevar a casa.
Nos interesan las celebraciones familiares como quinceañeras, bodas, asados de cerdo; eventos culturales como festivales o desfiles; otros documentos como menús, volantes, folletos, carteles políticos / tarjetas publicitarias o anuncios de empresas familiares.
También podemos visitarlo en un lugar más conveniente, que incluye su hogar, un negocio o una biblioteca.
Nos interesan las celebraciones familiares como quinceañeras, bodas, asados de cerdo; eventos culturales como festivales o desfiles; otros documentos como menús, volantes, folletos, carteles políticos / tarjetas publicitarias o anuncios de empresas familiares.
También podemos visitarlo en un lugar más conveniente, que incluye su hogar, un negocio o una biblioteca.
Nuestras Raíces is a program of Rhode Island Latino Arts (RILA)
For more about RI Latino Arts, visit this website: www.rilatinoarts.org
Marta V. Martínez, RILA Executive Director
Some materials presented in these collections may be subject to the terms of gift or purchase agreements, donor restrictions, publicity rights, privacy rights, licensing and trademarks.
Permission to Reproduce: Some materials presented in these collections may be subject to the terms of gift or purchase agreements, donor restrictions, publicity rights, privacy rights, licensing and trademarks. Go here for more information.
We are pleased to announce that Marta V. Martínez, Executive Director of Rhode Island Latino Arts (RILA) | Director of Nuestras Raíces and Community Oral Historian will be leading Rhode Island’s first Emerging Latino/Latinx Oral Historians Fellowship Program, which seeks to train and empower the next generation of oral historians, cultural preservationists, community activists, and social justice leaders.
More details on this seven-month Fellowship will be available in Summer of 2024.
More details on this seven-month Fellowship will be available in Summer of 2024.